Call for volunteers!: A Dancing Rabbit Round-Up

Published: Thu, 02/10/22

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Call for volunteers!:
A Dancing Rabbit Round-Up


Winter’s greetings, friends of Dancing Rabbit!


Eric here with the Center for Sustainable and Co-operative Culture, the nonprofit at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. I’m here to tell you about volunteer opportunities this year at Dancing Rabbit and that we’re looking for applicants for all of them! Volunteering is a great way to experience life at Dancing Rabbit for low-to-no cost, learn valuable skills related to ecological living, and help build our amazing village! Our volunteer season runs from mid-April through mid-October. Following are descriptions of what is being offered this year.

Village projects: You’ll work with folks in the village on various projects. You’ll participate in natural building, gardening, and a variety of seasonal activities. This is great for anyone with a general interest in ecovillage living, as you’ll get broad exposure to various projects and aspects of life at Dancing Rabbit. 

Dairy co-op: You’ll work closely with our cows and goats; milking, moving fences, hauling water, making cheese and helping with pasture improvement. This is great for anyone interested in community-scale, cooperative, and regenerative animal husbandry!

Critter Kitchen rebuild: Last November our beloved Critter Kitchen burned down. It was a traumatic event which shook many of us to the core, myself included. Life goes on, and this year it’s all hands on deck for the rebuild! Critter Kitchen is an off-grid, outdoor co-op kitchen, which uses no fossil fuels for cooking and focuses on locally grown food. For the rebuild, we’ll use a variety of natural building techniques and materials including local and reclaimed lumber, cob plaster, and a living roof.

Read more about various projects and apply here!

Hope you're staying safe and warm this winter and we look forward to seeing you when the snow melts and the grass turns green!



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