๐Ÿ“ž Call for July Visitors - Last Chance!

Published: Sun, 07/03/22

Visitors working on a cob garden wall. Photo by Elena Faye.


I don't want you to miss your chance to visit Dancing Rabbit this July, which is why Iโ€™m sending you this quick email.

There are only 4 adult slots left and 1 kid slot for our Visitor Program that starts on the 17th and ends on the 31st. Request your application and turn it in ASAP so you donโ€™t miss this chance to visit during the summer break.ย 

Here's what a couple recent visitors shared about their time here:

The DR Visitor program is an opportunity to learn and rejuvenate your soul in a way that offers a real taste of supportive community. It is a beautiful and sometimes challenging place and time, but challenging in a way that is also nourishing , and you will be held with care.
-John L. Clark

I feel that I got so much more out of my visit than I expected. The workshops were very professionally run and the info shared was useful for all lifestyles. The value of the whole experience, shelter, food, workshops, and entertainment was off the charts! It was so worth my time and money.
-Carol Mellema

Request your application now so we can see you in a few weeks!

- Dancing Rabbit Visitor Team