Celebrate Earth Day with DR!

Published: Fri, 04/22/22

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Celebrate Earth Day with Dancing Rabbit!

Dear friends, 

Today we celebrate the wonderful planet that we all call home! Please take a moment to appreciate the air you breathe, the plant life around you, and the diversity of species that cohabit Earth. Everything from the common housefly, to endangered species like the blue whales, to you and I, all share one thing in common: we are all inhabitants of Earth. Without this astonishing blue planet that is just a tiny dot in the wider universe, none of us would be here.   

In our daily lives, we sometimes take for granted the uniqueness of this special place that has nurtured our homo sapiens ancestors, and the flora and fauna all around us. Think about the Indus River, Lake Texcoco, the Nile River, and the Yangtze River, which were the ecological foundations of the greatest civilizations in human history. Consider the natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains, the Sahara Desert, and the Amazon Rainforest. Or think about your favorite hiking spot, or a natural landscape which left you in awe or inspired you to your core. How lucky are we that we live on a planet with all these majestic ecosystems!?  

The Earth has nourished you in innumerable ways throughout your life, so won’t you consider doing something special for her on the one day throughout the entire year that honors her?  

Celebrate Earth Day today by making a donation to Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, which for 25 years has been a model for sustainable living and continues to provide life-changing environmental education programming to people from all walks of life! If you would like to join our movement of revolutionary sustainable change to protect our planetary home, give to our May 5th Give STL campaign. Early giving for Give STL has now begun, so you can donate as early as today to be part of our incredible tradition of sustainable cooperative living!

Or, if you would like your donation to have double the impact, commit yourself today to give during these May 5th "Power Hours", when the St. Louis Community Foundation and participating sponsors will give a portion of $20,000 to all nonprofits that receive a donation during these times:

Remember, it is only by working together that we can create the future of our dreams, and protect this marvelous and life-giving planet that we all call home!

In community,
Priscilla Flores
Development Director
Center for Sustainable & Cooperative Culture at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage