Super Short Reminder: Give STL Day is Tomorrow!

Published: Wed, 05/04/22

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Super Short Reminder:
Give STL Day is Tomorrow!

Dear friends,

Tomorrow is Give STL Day! The donations we receive through this fundraising effort help us continue to share our 25 years of sustainable living experience with others. If you’ve been inspired by our mission throughout the years, please consider giving to our Give STL campaign!

To double your impact, give during these May 5th power hours, when the St. Louis Community Foundation and participating sponsors will give a portion of $20,000 to all nonprofits that receive a donation during these times:

It is only with the support of donors like you that we can continue to be a locus of environmental education and a model for intentional sustainable living!

In community,
Priscilla Flores
Development Director
Center for Sustainable & Cooperative Culture at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage