Shoutout to All Women, Everywhere!

Published: Wed, 03/01/23

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

In honor of Women’s History Month (dedicated to the often-overlooked contributions of women to US history), let’s start with a shoutout to all you women out there who are doing your best to manage life’s demands AND make the world a better place. You are truly amazing, and we hope there are people in your life reminding you of that on a daily basis. 

Danielle here, thinking about the transformative experience for female-identifying folks coming up at Dancing Rabbit this May and wondering if I can ask you women out there a few questions? 

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night because you can’t stop thinking about what you need to do the next day, and wish you could take a break from it all to reset your priorities? 

Are you caught up in a life that feels urgent and demanding, with lists and dirty dishes everywhere, but doesn’t feel meaningful, invigorating, fulfilling ⎼ the way life should feel?

When the new year comes, do you feel a gnawing worry that the things most important to you won’t get the attention they deserve this year because of the other responsibilities and “musts” you carry? 

Do you feel worn out by the end of the day, like you don’t have much left to give when you come home to your family, and long to escape all the demands before you have to do the whole rodeo again tomorrow? 

It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, it’s easy to change ⎼ once we get the right momentum and leverage. But you have to really want it. Wanting it like, “I’m not willing to take another day of this mediocre life stuff” and “I’m going to change my direction NOW.”  

It’s easy to get lost in day-to-day demands and let life dictate what we do, filling up our weeks, months and years with stuff that seems critical. Even when we are out of the office, or out of our homes, there are text messages and push notifications reminding us in every moment that there’s something we need to get to, soon! Then, every so often, a moment of clarity comes. We rise above the hustle and the clouds and remember that we are not here forever. Life is short, and we could easily dole out all of our time chips on the mole hills, the stuff that masquerades as important but doesn’t actually get us to the life, the legacy, the contribution we really want to make.   

When we see ourselves clearly in those moments, our goals and our dreams come into focus, and beyond them we see that we want to make a difference. We want our actions to make life better for others and enrich the world around us. 

Why do we let these clear priorities slip, and let the noise of the “imposters of importance” take our focus away from aiming high, daring greatly, boldly creating the life we know would make our heart sing? 

You could blame it on a lot of things. You could say you’re too afraid of real success or too conditioned by what others want from you to dare outside the form. You could say it’s the way you were raised, that partner or job you spent too many years with after you knew you should’ve moved on, or that it’s your diagnosis. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what you blame it on. Finding a reason just excuses the voice inside that says “I can’t.” 

And this year, I want to help you turn up the volume on the voice that says “I can” ⎼ and know that it’s true. I want to help you connect with the voice and inner clarity inside you that already knows exactly what you want AND how to get it. Then, we’ll awaken the magician-warrior-goddess within that will stop at nothing to go for it. 

Life is short, and abandoning your learned limitations is step one to creating a meaningful life. Next, you’ll need to reclaim the energy that was locked up in those expectations and limiting beliefs and repurpose it to chart your path and leverage your way towards the mountain peak you want to summit. Once you make it to the top, you’ll feel the confirmation you’ve been waiting for: joy, exhilaration, and the pleasure that comes from transforming “I can” into “I did.” And then the rush of excitement that spreads over your face and widens your eyes as you ask, if I’m capable of that, what else can I do?  

It starts with staking out the time to come back to yourself and find that compass that will guide you forth. We’ll do it in the company of a group of similarly brave and striving women so that our individual breakthroughs can empower and accelerate the growth of others around us. You’ll take home a new vision of what’s possible for your life, a map, a ring of new friends that KNOW you can do it and will celebrate when you summit the mountain, and an awakened inner avatar that will lead the way.   

Your passion, your purpose, your retreat!

Come join us for this transformative journey, and get ready to thrive. Nothing will hold you back after you taste what life is like at the summit.  

Remember, if we don’t sacrifice for our goals, our goals become our sacrifices. Don’t let this be another year where your goals get sacrificed to the “imposters of importance” that all want your attention; make this the year you sacrifice one weekend to come to Dancing Rabbit and say yes to a masterpiece life.  

I look forward to seeing you this May and sharing the journey with you. 

Danielle Williams 

Facilitator, Coach, Executive Director

Center for Sustainable & Cooperative Culture at Dancing Rabbit 

P.S. Whatever’s making you wait on saying yes to your growth, your future, your dreams, text us and tell us what it is; there just might be a way we can help you overcome that obstacle.


Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, 1 Dancing Rabbit Lane, Rutledge, MO 63563, USA

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