Today is Give STL day! 🐇 Time to maximize your impact.

Published: Wed, 05/10/23

Dear friends,

Are you ready to make a difference in the world by supporting a transition to a society that takes into account the health, longevity and prosperity of our planet and ALL its inhabitants? At the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture (CSCC) we are working to do just that. Some might say this is a bit of a lofty goal, and they wouldn’t be wrong. This doesn’t mean it’s not worth pursuing. We firmly believe that by working directly with individuals and communities who want to be part of the solution, and giving them the knowledge and tools to effectively do so, we can steadily make waves in our shared culture which will move us towards a truly sustainable and cooperative society. 

Today is our first fundraiser of the year, Give STL Day. This is a 24-hour, online, day-of-giving event, with plenty of opportunities to amplify your donations. Help us reach our goal of $6,000! 

Actions you can take:

  1. Donate today! To maximize your impact, donate during one of the Power Hours:
  2. Tell your friends! Share this email, or make a social media post, and tell them why CSCC matters to you. Be sure to include the giving link.

CSCC is a nonprofit based out of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage; it is our classroom, laboratory, and home. DR is a 26-year-old intentional community of 41 people (and growing) which has shown that living sustainably goes hand in hand with a rich, meaningful, and connected life. We know the power that cooperation, simple living, and homespun ecological innovation can have in creating a sustainable and beautiful world, because we live it everyday. Whether it's building homes with natural materials and energy efficient passive solar designs, managing ALL of our organic waste on site, growing much of our own food, practicing consensus-based community governance, managing our landscape in regenerative ways, or sharing meals, cars, songs, and the joys and hardships of life; we are being the change we want to see in the world, and helping others to do the same. 

If this type of activism resonates with you, please consider donating today.

In community, 

Eric Mease
Administrative Assistant
Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture
at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage


Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, 1 Dancing Rabbit Lane, Rutledge, MO 63563, USA

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