Sustainability from an Ecosystem of Love

Published: Tue, 06/13/23

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

As a participant in the visitor program, I imagined that at Dancing Rabbit (DR) I would learn about permaculture and the use of natural building materials, how the community generated its own power to be off the grid as much as possible and how to grow organic food so the community could eat close to the land. I did not guess that my immersive experience would have me touch on the three prongs of sustainability in such a personal way. The three aspects of sustainability I was exposed to include: physical sustainability, interpersonal sustainability, and inner sustainability.

In the visitor program, I was able to learn about nonviolent communication (NVC) and conflict resolution, witness a Village Council meeting and see governance in action. I watched interpersonal relationships in the DR culture. I witnessed this as an interpersonal sustainability ecosystem. When things were said that created conflict, more information was sought for greater understanding, and a new agreement was generated which would be more sustainable. Even in our microcosm of the visitor program participants, we saw examples that would result in greater ease within our group. An issue which surfaced was how to handle wearing masks if everyone in the group tested negative for COVID. Another issue involved differing communication styles between individuals during check-in time. How could we aim for inclusivity and not make someone wrong if they chose to participate in a different manner than the others? This supported the growth of the DR culture. We were growing interpersonal sustainability within our visitor group microcosm. Interpersonal sustainability at the various levels within DR was just as important as physical sustainability within the ecology of the environment.

For me, coming to DR turned into a respite from my hectic, self-imposed, driven life. I had not expected to find that my inner sustainability was low. I thought I had been balancing my “Go!” with self-care. My ability to play with “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle” turned into the recognition that when I am feeling saturated, I could choose to satisfy my need by spending time in nature to release the intensity and recharge my “inner battery.” Throughout the program, as I chose self-care, I found the nurturing which nature brought me was just as important as growing a deeper connection through the group exercises which explored my inner landscape and allowed for sharing with others in the group. Cultivating inner sustainability allowed me the space to feel my feelings, process my thoughts, and just BE with me while the “inner dust” settled. The presence of someone with a hug or a personal reflection of how my shared thoughts touched them allowed for deeper connection. My “inner well of being” started to fill again. I was unaware that this well was almost dry.

Meeting people in the visitor program, connecting with their “why” as we discussed what brought us to Dancing Rabbit from all over the country, I found that we were creating our own human ecosystem. We became reliant on each other for many things, such as our breakfast food co-op or when someone wasn’t present for a session and we would check in with them to make sure each person was okay. As we walked into the Common House for group activities, we were greeted by the signs “Ring Bell – If no answer, pull weeds” and another “You are Loved!” This was the ever-present reminder of the Dancing Rabbit ecosystem we had chosen to immerse ourselves in; one of loving kindness and respect for all. It is pervasive and a norm I will continue as I walk my path back home in a place away from Dancing Rabbit, in the community within which I live.

Cindy Goodnetter
May, 2023


Cindy Goodnetter is the owner and director of A Gathering Place Massage Therapy School and Clinic, with over 35 years in massage therapy and bodywork. Cindy applies sustainability practices in her life and her business to grow community and support inclusivity

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Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, 1 Dancing Rabbit Lane, Rutledge, MO 63563, USA

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