A Big Dose of Practical Hope: Permaculture Design Course at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Published: Fri, 08/10/18

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

The March Hare
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A Big Dose of Practical Hope: Permaculture Design Course
at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
Sharon teaching in her permaculture food forest. 
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This summer marks a troubling anniversary for the planet. In June 1988, NASA climate scientist James Hansen told Congress that global warming wasn’t something far off in the future, it was already here. His testimony was the opening of what many now call “the Age of Climate Change.”

Thirty years later, many of James Hansen’s predictions have come true: Earth is hotter, weather is more extreme, sea levels are rising, wildfires are burning. As I sit here at Dancing Rabbit dripping in sweat, a feeling of hopelessness sets in. I worry about the impact that reckoning with a chaotic planet will have on young people.

But then I open an email sent from Prairie, a 15-year-old who attended last year’s Permaculture Design Course at Dancing Rabbit. “Such joy I feel in knowing that it does not have to be difficult work, living on this planet by way of growing, storing, and ultimately thriving!” she writes. “Our Earth desires to produce endless abundance in limitless quantities in service to all who live. Now, I can see not just how much our world needs to change directions, with the help of the tools I learned in the Permaculture Design Course, I have myriad ideas about how this change is absolutely possible.”

In reading this, my joy returns: here is a young person with energy, hope, and practical tools she gleaned from our Permaculture Design Course! Her life has been touched, she feels the possibilities, and undoubtedly, she will touch many others’ as she continues to explore ways to thrive and heal the planet.

Are you, too, searching for an inspiring blend of hope and practical tools? Are you looking for real solutions to climate change and issues we face on the planet today? Could you be ready for a life-changing experience?

This year’s 9-day intensive Permaculture Design Course at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage might be just what you need. With a special focus on climate change solutions and hands-on practice, we will cover the broad spectrum of the world-renowned permaculture curriculum. All this set in our thriving ecovillage.

Dancing Rabbit’s unique Permaculture Design Course is filling fast. Register now and ensure your dose of practical hope!

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