Learning To Walk Kindly: A Permaculture Design Course Update

Published: Fri, 08/31/18

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Hi ,

Are you worried about the state of the world right now? Do you find yourself searching for ways to do your part by incorporating sustainable practices in your life, but feel lost on where to start or what to do? Feeling overwhelmed and unsure can keep you from being the change you want to see in the world. It can feel isolating and tiring when you don't know where to begin. This is why Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage passionately supports and promotes permaculture as a way for people to make the change the world so desperately needs. We know that to walk kindly on this planet and leave it better for future generations to come can be hard, but also immensely enriching.

You, too, can make a difference and start your journey to a more sustainable tomorrow by joining us for our annual Permaculture Design Course. Bring hope back into your life by learning practical ways to fight against climate change. We all have to do our part to help stop certain disaster. Let your part be a gentle and loving reconnection with our planet and all the other people who share it with you.

Katherine enjoying a lush day in her budding permaculture garden

You can work with us and lead your life as an example of how to live lightly and beautifully for the betterment of all. Your hopelessness is shared by many, but your passion and drive to show others a different way is possible sets you apart. Come spend a week deeply engaged with others who, like you, desire to learn, grow, and change the world for the better.

Reconnect with your joy and excitement for the future and what it holds. Get the practical hands-on knowledge you crave to inspire others and live as the change we all need. Your energy and hope might feel like a drop in a bucket, but the ripples you create by making the active choice to see the world differently and to share that information with others can make the difference we all need.

In nine short days, you will learn a variety of climate change solutions through the lens of the extraordinary permaculture curriculum. Experience myriad ways you can shine your light on the world and show that change is possible and practical. We, as fellow humans, want and need you to bring hope and knowledge to your corner of the world. The time for idleness and observation are over. Are you ready to be the change?


Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is an intentional community and nonprofit outside Rutledge, in northeast Missouri, focused on demonstrating sustainable living possibilities.