A Spring to Action in Our Winter Wonderland: A Dancing Rabbit Announcement

Published: Fri, 11/16/18

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Although the season for slowing down and snuggling in our homes has arrived on our little piece of the prairie in northeast Missouri, the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture is feeling a buzz of activity. Carolyn here, writing from my cozy spot in the office of Dancing Rabbit’s nonprofit. Instead of preparing for winter, I have been engaged in preparing the exciting launch of our Patreon page. This will provide a place where you, our wonderful readers and supporters, can gather and access a more intimate view into what life is like in our ecovillage.

As a person who loves to start new projects, I’m feeling so enthused about working on this new venture. I also love meeting new people and it’s been really fun hearing more intimately from people like you! Not to mention that now I have an excuse to walk around and take fun pictures of my friends and community mates! I really love the life I live here and sharing it with our patrons is such a joy.

In the month since we launched our page, we have had so much fun with posting those awesome insider pictures and doing our first monthly “Ask Me Anything.” Benji was able to answer all of our patrons’ questions. It has been such an enjoyable avenue for engaging with supporters of Dancing Rabbit. I hope these pictures and insights will show the world that living lightly with a low-carbon footprint is a rewarding way to live on this planet we all share.

I look forward to seeing you on our Patreon account where you can make deeper connections and will see all we are doing to spread awareness and educate about sustainable living. All proceeds go to our nonprofit to help host student groups, visitors, and tours and to support outreach efforts and scholarships for those who need assistance to attend our Sustainable Living Visitor Program.

Benji responds to our patrons

Are you looking for more ways to support the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture and to help spread the message that living lightly is not only possible, but enriching? Check out our new online shop and grab a t-shirt for yourself or someone you love!