We Still Need You

Published: Fri, 12/28/18

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Hi ,

Sharon working on her natural building home at Dancing Rabbit

Have you heard of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and do you know why we should listen to them? The IPCC is made up of 91 lead authors and 133 contributing authors from 40 countries, and their latest assessment is the most up-to-date and comprehensive report on the science of climate change and the future of Earth.

Here’s the short version: The news isn’t good. There are just 12 years left to limit the devastating effects of global warming.

Although this problem is certainly complex and will require many different types of global changes to prevent disaster, there are things you can do right now to ensure the future of our planet. 

You can join us at the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture in supporting the work of people like Sharon Bagatell, Dancing Rabbit member, who are truly affecting positive change for our planet in myriad tangible ways.

As well as her work with the Citizen’s Climate Lobby that I discussed in my last email, Sharon is helping others find ways to reduce their carbon footprint through her Permaculture Design Course (PDC) offered annually at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. This year, Sharon served as the driving force and lead coordinator of the PDC, which teaches participants practical ways to apply sustainability principles to agriculture, social interactions, and economics.

2018 Permaculture Design Course participants and teachers

Brad, a 2016 participant, explains, “Permaculture is about showing up and leaving the world in better shape than when you found it. It’s about caring for people, caring for the earth, and helping everyone get their fair share. What better place to learn the design principles and philosophies of that system than at Dancing Rabbit, an entire community of people living and embodying these principles on a daily life scale?”

With the new, sobering information in the IPCC report, Sharon has integrated more climate change reality into the PDC curriculum than ever before. She delivers the message: Make no mistake: climate change is here now. We are living with it as more powerful hurricanes, worsening drought, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels are affecting populations around the world at an ever faster pace. And, because permaculture is solutions-based, the PDC workshop also gives hope and inspiration for ways to move forward.

Please help us continue to foster hope by supporting the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture as we teach others the skills they need to live the ultimate sustainable lifestyle.

We, and future generations, are all in this together. Thank you for joining us today in creating a truly sustainable human habitat.

In community,

Melany Benoit
Development Director
The Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture
at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

p.s. Today is the day to take a stand against climate change by supporting the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture. Tomorrow is too late and the stakes couldn’t be higher.