Everything’s growing like weeds.

Published: Fri, 04/19/19

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage


Greetings ,

Garlic, gardening and geese abound for us here at Dancing Rabbit. The arrival of spring brings the emergence of grasses and the sound of animals foraging for food.

Forage- (a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions.

Are you searching for provisions....is the search wide...where will you find all that you need?

Dancing Rabbit is committed to finding solutions that are sustainable. Your search has led you here. Your gifts, inquiries and involvement in our cause give meaning to our mission.

You have a chance to support Dancing Rabbit on May 1st, and we appreciate every bit.

Together we can change the “norms” of modern living.

You live in a world of change. It is something that is always happening.

Some changes we can control, some we can influence, and some are outside our influence. The uncertainty of human-led impacts on our planet is scary. However, it is matched by the resilience of creatures great and small. What is certain is that we need to make radical changes in the way we live our lives. Dancing Rabbit has made radical changes, which focuses the lives of 40+ people every day!

Here is how you can make the most of your gift on May 1st, by utilizing GiveSTL prize incentives. Donate at the below hours to BOOST your donation!

  • 12pm-1pm CST; This has the chance for the most incentive giving! Prizes for most-unique donors and a split prize pool!!

  • 6pm-7pm CST; give a gift right before or after dinner. This time allows us to split another prize pool.

Of course, any donation is meaningful, at any time. Thank you for your support.

Unavailable on May 1st? Pre-schedule your donation so you don’t miss your chance to partner with us.

I’m often reminded of resiliency when faced with “pests” and “weeds”. These terms are man-made distinctions of organisms we don’t value in our gardens and homes. I think my list is shorter than most …

I love spiders and recognize the value in dandelions. However, I often wish that my tomatoes would grow with the same vigor that the prairie grasses do!

We have grown as a more resilient community in 2019 by striving to create a loving, safe and nourishing space for everyone. With your support, we continue to learn more about how to live sustainably and constantly improve our relationship with the natural world.

What role do pets play in our environment?

How do you reduce/reuse packaging of purchased goods?

What are the the choices that are making our carbon footprint more or less impactful?

Even without all the answers, asking the questions leads us down a more hopeful path. We walk along in nature, with nature and for nature. Thanks for walking with us!

P.S. Thanks to the generosity of a cherished donor, we can receive up to $2,250 in matching funds this give STL day! That means every dollar you contribute will count double up to that amount.