Today is Give STL!

Published: Wed, 05/01/19

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Good morning ,

The day has finally arrived. I’m excited to partner with you today. As we spread a new culture of human beings living sustainably on the earth, we are thankful for your support.

Anytime today is a good time to give, but for those of you who want to get the most out of what you give, here are the times when your donation will have an exponential impact :

12pm - 1pm is the most impactful hour. Not only can we qualify for $1,000 if we are the non-profit with the most unique donors (of course, we already know you are unique) we can receive a portion of a prize pool as well!

6pm - 7pm is a time we qualify again to receive prize pool money, and giving would make a great post-dinner activity.

Today is the only day to donate if you want your contribution to be matched dollar for dollar with up to $2,250 in funds from our generous matching donor! Make a contribution for a greener village, for a greener mindset, and a greener world.

Thank you in advance,
Matthew Bunge
Development Director

P.S. This special day of giving only happens once a year- help us show the world that sustainable living is the way of the future!