Celebrate the harvest with us this summer

Published: Thu, 08/01/19

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Greetings ,

One of the reasons I sought out this community was the skilled people that live here. This is a place to learn from others and craft things together. Matt here, eager to tell you about how you can come by some of the amazing craftsmanship of my neighbors. 

Since the age of 10, I've worked at becoming a competent oboist. This is what I went to school for, and has been bound up as a part of my life ever since. I can't count the number of hours I've spent honing this skill. It is something I love; it is undefinable. 

Now that I live in community, I’m able to acquire new skills from those around me, and teach mine in return. I never tire of seeing breakthrough moments when teaching others skills I have to share. The spark of discovery is apparent in each learning experience. There are so many excellent crafters of all types here at Dancing Rabbit, many of whom share their skills for living sustainably through our workshops and webinars. We'd like to offer you the fruits of our labor, to show you our appreciation!

From August 15 - September 1 we’ll be holding an online auction involving the skills and items created by those that live here. Have you ever wanted to consult with a natural builder? Maybe add a hand-carved wooden bowl or spoon to your kitchen? Perhaps you would like to stay in a handmade natural building, iconic to Dancing Rabbit (it’s at the end of the rainbow). All of this, and more, is possible by participating in the Lammas campaign.

Lammas day is a celebration at the midpoint of Summer solstice and equinox. Traditionally, it was a celebration of the wheat harvest that showcased breads that were baked to be shared within communities. Breaking bread with those that have common interests, to share skills, is a strong tradition at Dancing Rabbit. Will you share in this tradition with us? 

Participating in the online auction is easy; we’ll email you a link when the event opens so you can go peruse the items available and make your bids on the ones you want, and you can check back before the campaign closes to see if you want to raise your bids. 

We are thankful that you have been on the journey with us this far; for those of you who read our weekly updates to take a piece of us with you in your daily lives; and for those who donate to help us continue our efforts to spread the skills necessary for sustainable living.

It is through this outreach that our mission is fulfilled. Our ability to continue is an example to the world that ecological sustainability is possible, and rewarding. Like Mayana Ludwig said: "living a sustainable life doesn't suck".

Stay tuned for August 15 when the Lammas Campaign goes live, so you can bid on all handcrafted pieces from Dancing Rabbit and the surrounding communities. We will provide more information on how to participate soon!


Well wishes, 

Matthew Bunge
Development Director

P.S. We hope you’re signed up for our weekly newsletter; it’s a great way to keep in touch with what's going on here. Sharing how we are living sustainably is keeping hope for a sustainable planet alive.