Value for our Valuables, Last chance to bid!

Published: Fri, 08/30/19

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Hello ,

There is precious time left to place bids in our Lammas Auction. We will close the auction at 7pm tomorrow! We are thankful for the generous participation in our first annual Lammas campaign. 

Your contributions in our campaigns allow us to spread the message of sustainability. We are able to immerse hundreds of visitors, wexers and interns each year in our ecovillage, where they learn our version of sustainability. We are also able to provide workshops on natural building, timber-framing, permaculture, and more. Your support provides us the opportunity to continue and expand these outreach and education programs, and provide an example of continued sustainable culture. Thank you.

Well wishes,
Matthew Bunge
Development Director 
The Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture