Giving Tuesday is right around the bend

Published: Fri, 11/29/19

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Dear ,

In the face of winter, another year comes to a close, a time for quiet reflection. The Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage has plenty to reflect on. As the wild rabbits prepare burrows and dens, we also gather our resources and take stock of the work we have done this year.

Here are some of the exciting impacts we created in 2019:

  • 2 full (or over-full) Ecovillage Weekend sessions.

  • 46 Sustainable Living Visitor Program participants.

  • 2 Natural Building workshops focusing on two buildings

  • 85 Singing Rabbit participants in our second annual “festival” of song.

  •  Over 100 day tour visitors.

  • 3 of our workshops were in such high demand this year that we had to raise the attendance cap to accommodate the extra interest 

We appreciate the gifts we receive that make this possible. Join us on December 3rd, for Giving Tuesday. This national day of giving promotes the significance of philanthropy and how the circle of giving feeds both the donor and the chosen organization. When I give I am rewarded with an opportunity to share in the vision of the organization I choose. I hope that you can participate this year and give to our model of sustainability here in northeast Missouri. 

Measuring our successes is not always easy, yet this spring we were consulted for the formation of a budding ecovillage project in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. 10 members of this forming community attended an Ecovillage Weekend, which we tailored for them to include many sessions about Dancing Rabbit’s formation and how our process works. Helping guide new ventures is a benefit of 22 years of living lightly  and is a way in which we can measure our mission’s fulfillment. 

We were also featured in a peer reviewed study on ways our world can become more sustainable. We are proud to have a positive impact on the scientific analysis of community and sustainability.  

Thank you for your vested interest in our organization. Our mission remains important, not only to us, and to those who engage with us, but with the entire planet.

In continued gratitude,
Matthew Bunge
Development Director
Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture