Are You Ready To Bring Your Yearnings Into The Light?

Published: Fri, 03/13/20

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
Last Ecovillage Experience Weekend

Hi ,

The sun is shining today, and the wind is blowing. It’s a “good power day”: the batteries will fill up fast. Despite the cold, my sunny house is warm. The still-bare trees are already raucous with robins. Tiny green garlic shoots are pushing up through the mulch.

It’s transition time, when migrators return and things that have been growing in the dark begin to emerge. 

Are you making plans for a new season? A new year? Are there yearnings inside that you want to bring into the light? 

Maybe you want to live closer to the seasons. Maybe you’re curious about living in a strawbale home, or using solar and wind power. Maybe you’d like to know how the people in an ecovillage manage to get along with each other so well. 

Or maybe you’d just like to get out of your routine and experience something a little different, a little crazy, a little inspiring. 

But you’ve got a busy life - you can’t get away long enough for one of our visitor periods. 

Well, can you swing just three or four days? 

How about coming for one of our Ecovillage Experience Weekends?

I’ll be leading three this year: May 7-10, August 13-16, and September 24-27. 

We’ll dig in the garden, preserve and eat delicious local food, help build a natural home, and practice listening and communicating clearly and compassionately. 

We’ll peek at the inner workings of the ecovillage: the hidden foundations that have supported the group since 1997, and the experimentation that is underway now.

You’ll also have free time to explore an aspect of ecovillage life that you especially want to learn about, or to gain a skill you want to bring home with you. 

Best of all, you’ll get to hang out with real, live ecovillagers all day long.

If you’d like to dip your toe into ecovillage living, without needing to take the full plunge, we’d love to have you. Click here to learn more and sign up today!

Alyson Ewald