❤️ Let Dancing Rabbit Count The Ways ❤️

Published: Fri, 02/14/20

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Dear ,

February is bringing a roller coaster of weather for this ecovillage in northeast Missouri. The changing season is in the air, the mornings are greeted with early arriving songbird melodies and our orientation to the sun makes it appear higher on the horizon. 2020 is getting established.

It's Valentine's Day, and many focus on love and loved ones, it’s also a great time to tell you thank you! We love that you share our interests, passions and commitment to creating a better planet. We appreciate the change that you make in your daily life and how it impacts the world around you.

While contemplating this holiday Valentine’s Day, I decided to research its history and legend. Surprisingly, much of it is centered in martyrdom and clandestine weddings. In one account, St. Valentine performed weddings for soldiers who were not allowed to marry. This led to his imprisonment and, subsequently, the first Valentine’s card, which was written to him the day before his execution. 

Okay, so what does this have to do with us? We are also part of a group that can feel counter to mainstream culture. A group that would like increased support for important ecological issues. A group that works with others to care for our planet and the people around us. A group that could join this current wave of climate activism and social awareness to change the landscape of our culture to one that is more whole.

Supporting Dancing Rabbit makes us look at our successes in a new light. To take a step back and notice that every interaction we have has an impact. That our daily lives can become meaningful if we focus on small changes to the elements we have individual control over. This in turn, gives us the energy to focus on the large, overwhelming issues. 

You can show your support of this 22-year project in 2020.  Every donation we receive is like a Valentine's Day card that gives us a boost in morale, as well as the tangibles. Here are some “love letters” from 2019 visitors, describing the impact we are creating in the world:

Here are some exciting things to look forward to in 2020:

  • Working with the Department of Conservation to rehabilitate wildlife on Dancing Rabbit’s land. Also, to learn more about land management techniques that will help native species thrive.
  • New programs (Yoga and Women’s retreat)  focused on creating personal health, reflection and growth.
  • New residents coming, and learning from our members who are transitioning away from consumer culture.
  • Completion of two new natural buildings, and one new passive solar design building, and continuing to lead the way in rural home construction.

Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being a part of the change that is needed. Thank you for your connection to us.

Well Wishes in 2020,

Matthew Bunge

Development Director; Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture