Until We Meet Again: A Dancing Rabbit Offering

Published: Fri, 11/20/20

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Until We Meet Again
A Dancing Rabbit Offering

Panel of rabbits Panel of Rabbits answering questions from the audience!

Hello friends, patrons, and fellow eco warriors!

When shall we meet next? And what shall we do in the meantime? Dancing Rabbit’s mission is to educate and inspire anyone in the world who wants to learn to live sustainability. We have many ideas for how you can shift into a smaller carbon footprint and improve your quality of life, and you can do it from wherever you are.

We currently have online webinars with current and former Rabbits that have lived here who personally describe the many ways you can change your life and save the planet. Not all of us can move to an ecovillage, but all of us can work collectively from wherever we are to lower our carbon footprint.

Are you ready to go beyond saying you support climate change but you’re not sure where to start? By the time you watch our five webinars you will have a lifetime of ideas to get yourself going!

FREE Class 1: Ecovillage Answers to the Climate Crisis:

10 Ways to Shift From Angst to Action
Sharon designed and built beautiful off-grid Robinia with her late partner, Dennis, showcasing many natural building methods still used at DR. She also taught DR’s permaculture certification class for several years while volunteering for Citizens Climate Lobby. In this video, Sharon shows you how to make immediate, practical changes to the way you live that will directly impact climate change.

Class 2: Creating a Carbon-Efficient Kitchen:

Sara and Ted are longtime members of DR and have a wealth of practical knowledge to share about growing your own food, setting up a low carbon footprint kitchen, dealing with kitchen waste and even earning money from your garden. They review with you diet choices, strategic buying to save money, and how to measure the carbon footprint of different practices in your kitchen. They have been running Ironweed co-op kitchen at DR for many years.

Class 3: At Home with Carbon-Conscious Living:

By the time Dennis came to live at DR he already had an impressive eco resume. He was a civil engineer and natural home builder and spent his years at DR lending his knowledge and experience to our village and helping it thrive. In this video Dennis talks about how to live comfortably with less stuff, tips for low carbon home heating, and how to make your home and lifestyle part of the climate change solution.

Class 4: How to Create a Successful Co-op:

If you’ve been to one of our visitor programs, you’ve most likely had meals at Thistledown co-op kitchen. You’ve probably met Cob, the benevolent dictator of that kitchen co-op and its consummate host. He also runs many of the cooperative ventures in the village, including the car share co-op. In this video he offers his experienced advice on how to make the sometimes challenging shift to a more cooperative mindset, and improve your quality of life at the same time. And who knows, you might be inspired to start your own kitchen co-op with your neighbors and friends!

Class 5: Building Skills for Cooperative Culture:

What does cooperative culture have to do with low carbon living? Everything, as it turns out. As Yana Ludwig so aptly puts it in this video, “cooperation is the mother of all sustainability skills.” Yana was executive director of DR’s nonprofit before leaving to more widely offer her services consulting, teaching and facilitating cooperative group dynamics. She has dedicated her life to learning about and sharing skills on cooperative living. This video offers an overview on how cooperative culture determines the success of group projects and how learning these skills could determine whether we can cooperate enough to effect climate change. Yana points you to resources to learn these skills and apply them in your daily life.


We are offering a discount on these webinars if you buy them as a bundle.


So until we can meet in person, let these webinars strengthen the connections we have with each other in our interest and commitment to the planet and in Dancing Rabbit’s mission.

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