Change Yourself, Change the World: A Dancing Rabbit Announcement

Published: Fri, 01/01/21

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Change Yourself, Change the World:
Dancing Rabbit’s Visitor Program is Now Online

Work PartyGroup Photo of Prairies Visitor Session

The experiences that shape our lives can be powerful in both deeply uncomfortable and intensely ecstatic ways. When we transform our inner world, the outer world transforms with us.

So how can we cultivate impactful experiences so that we can view the world with more clarity and courage? One such experience for me was attending Dancing Rabbit’s in-person visitor program for two weeks several years ago (a program that is now offered online).

Hi, my name is Prairie and before I arrived at DR, I expected to find grimy, wire-thin, mostly-nude people living in minuscule huts scattered alongside one small road. Upon my arrival, I discovered that no, you won’t find anyone here in a loincloth living in a slimy cave. And yes, we do eat with silverware when appropriate, and wash our hands.

What I also found was that everyone talked to me like I was an adult, despite knowing I was fourteen. I was treated like I was important and deserving of respect. The land was beautiful, the natural straw bale buildings were colorful and unique. To my surprised delight, I discovered a sense of belonging amid the people, the conversations, the food, the clear skies and the still nights. A week into the program, I knew that I wanted to live here.

There was so much to learn about village life! I could have a garden for the first time, learn to build with clay, cultivate a life of simplicity and ecological sustainability, and live among individuals who were excited about doing the same. I knew I was starting from ground zero, especially when it came to soft skills like communication. I was sure I could figure out how to plant a carrot and stick clay plaster on a wall, but what the heck was a personal boundary? You mean I’m supposed to take responsibility for my own feelings? I can say “no”?! There would be huge amounts of learning to do.

During the visitor program, I got a taste of the alternative energy practices at Dancing Rabbit, consensus governance, committees and decision making processes, natural building and home ownership, sustainable land management and conflict resolution.

At the end of the two weeks, I didn’t want to leave. This place felt like home. I felt changed. How was I supposed to go back to my old habits, a life that felt somehow removed and foreign to my new awareness?

As influential as my visitor program was for me, not everyone needs to pack up their lives and move to an ecovillage to create positive change in their reality. You can even do the visitor program just like me, but online!

If you are inspired by intentional communities and sustainable living practices, visit our online visitor workshops to see how, no matter who you are and where you live, you do have the power to affect change in your midst, from physical reconstruction, to problem-solving, to heartfelt, authentic communication.

Let’s take responsibility for what we have to do, and how we take care of each other and the planet. Let’s make a difference together!