Mother-Love and Women’s Workshops: A token of thanks and a Dancing Rabbit invitation

Published: Sun, 05/09/21

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Mother-Love and Women’s Workshops


This day is meant for gratitude and noticing the ineffable influence of mothers everywhere. Consider the people in your life who are most dear to you-- did any of them NOT arrive through their mother? Whether your mother is still alive or not, and regardless of whether she did a great or less-than-great job in the arduous duty of parenting, we wouldn’t have the incredible opportunity to watch the colors of a sunset, enjoy the taste of delicious food, or experience the emotional spectrum of love, grief, joy or inspiration if it were not for our mothers. So, let’s raise a cup of appreciation today for mothers everywhere who have done their best (especially in spite of onerous circumstances) and given us a chance to both experience life and make it better for those yet to arrive on the planet. Huzzah!

This is also a day to honor all the mother-energy that flows through and around us, creating the world we encounter. Regardless of whether a woman has birthed a child, she can be the creatrix of a great many things (songs, books, projects, businesses, nonprofits, and much much more!) that positively influence us and our planet. So let’s raise that cup of appreciation again for all the beneficial things women have created and mothered into being. When added up, can you see the grand impact? Day by day, these efforts take the more kind and sustainable world our hearts dream of and weave it into reality.

Whether you are a woman, a mother, or have friends who are women or mothers- how can you send some extra threads of appreciation today for the positive influence women have had on your life? Flowers say a lot, but words say even more (and words of affirmation are definitely a love language, yo!). Even a text message can be enough to touch the heart and let us know we are valued. 

And if you know of any women or mothers who deserve to treat themselves to a rejuvenating weekend where they can get in touch with their powerful and creative feminine energy—all from the comfort of their own home—let us know! Dancing Rabbit’s women’s online retreat next weekend is a space for women to reawaken the joy and purpose that is our birthright, so that we can give our gifts to the world in service of a better planet for everyone. 

Who knows, this might just be the last-minute mother’s day gift that will make 2021 the best year yet for some lucky woman in your life!  

In thanks for mothers, 

Danielle at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

PS- If your interest is piqued and you’re ready for your cup of appreciation to overflow even more, don’t delay! You can still get a discount if you are one of the next few people to sign up for this retreat!