Member Story-Meet Pam!

Published: Fri, 03/29/19

At Results Performance Training, you’re more than just a number in our system. Each of our members has a unique story to tell and we’re excited to begin sharing these stories more and more. Today, we want to share with you all the story of Pam Scruggs, who has been coming to RPT since this time last year.

Before she started working out with us, her only exercise was walking the dog. She began with two days a week and once she saw the results, she started coming three times a week. Like many people, she was her own biggest obstacle to tackle at first. Showing up to a new fitness routine can be daunting, and we’re thankful Pam has found her home here with us at RPT. She knew that if she only showed up, she could do things she was never able to do before. One example of this is with burpees. While at first she didn’t even know what a burpee was, she now can do burpees with added push-ups one year later! Her hard work and consistency has paid off.

The first day

As with any new routine, the first day can be scary! Pam remembers walking into her first class after being referred by her sister-in-law. She walked in expecting it to be just another group class, but was pleasantly surprised. Instead of treadmills and ellipticals, she saw landmine presses, kettlebells, and weighted sleds. She thought to herself, “What was this stuff? How would I know I was getting a good workout in if there wasn’t a digital screen telling me how many calories I had burned?” After her consultation with Detric and after giving RPT a chance, she’s been hooked ever since. She is proud that she was brave enough to try a whole new model of fitness, regardless of how intimidating it might have seemed at first.

More than a number on the scale

Since working out at RPT, Pam has begun to see how results are more than just a number. She’s added muscle, lost inches, and loves the way her clothes fit (even having to purchase some new because she went down in size!). However, she’s gained far more than that. She’s gained energy and confidence and now pays more attention to what she eats and how she treats her body. She feels stronger, healthier, and more focused in her daily life knowing that she starts each day in a positive way.

Pam has noticed different phases of transformation in her fitness journey with RPT. While at first the workouts wore her out, they’re now something she looks forward to. She found that exercising made her feel good and even finds herself looking for a gym or fitness class when she is on vacation, which is something she never would have done before!
What makes RPT staff different

After working out with us for over a year, Pam has gotten the opportunity to work out at different times and get to know the various trainers. She loves that they motivate her to get a great workout in each and every time and that the regular email tips and check-ins help her continue to reach her fitness and nutrition goals.

“I don’t have to even think about it. RPT puts the workouts together behind the scenes and guides me through them - I just have to show up!”

Keeping her on her toes

While she initially thought she might get bored of doing the same routine, she quickly realized that never happens at RPT! The community and the trainers have made each workout a fun and exciting place to be. For those who might be nervous about getting started, Pam shared, “Even if you’ve never done this type of fitness program before, the trainers and other members are right there to walk you through it.”

Creating the right environment

At RPT, we work hard to create an environment where each member gets individualized attention while also feeling like part of our community. Pam has gotten endless tips on improvements she can make for her technique and intensity by the trainers during the workouts, saying, “Small changes can make a big impact.” Through the workouts, she’s made new friends while also feeling like she gets individualized attention and is guided through each and every workout. She has found that weaving in cardo and strength building exercises has broken classes up into manageable chunks that she can do that also hold her accountable. When it comes to community, Pam has enjoyed getting to know other members who are facing many of the same challenges as her or have many of the same goals. When asked about the community here at RPT, Pam shared, “We support and encourage each other.”

Her future with us

Pam loves that her love for RPT has not only made a difference in her life, but in the lives of her family as well. She is excited to continue to reach her goals with us at RPT and looks forward to all that lies ahead.

We are always thankful when our members give us a chance. Like we said, it can be scary! It can be intimidating. But all you have to do is show up. Let us handle the rest.

We sincerely thank Pam for taking the time to share her story with us.

Want to share your story? We’d be honored to share it to help show others the amazing things that RPT and fitness can do when you let it into your life!

Want to learn more about how RPT can help you reach your fitness goals? REPLY TO THIS EMAIL OR TEXT/CALL 757 589 7028 to set up your FREE CONSULTATION AND TRIAL SESSION. Learn about our services and the different specials we are currently running! 

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach