Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 12/31/18

The Actors Casting Source
“Encore” – a dinner theater revue
“Encore” is a  new dinner theater revue that brings back great music and featured venues from the 30’s through 80’s – the best of Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hammerstein, music from “Hair” and the Mammas and Papas, “Annie” and pop hits of the 80’s.
A Company of Warriors
A show about the under explored subject of African American women who participated in World War II, who helped reshape the landscape of gender, race and social attitudes during a time of upheaval and change. Written and Directed by Larissa Brewington.
Disaster! A 70’s Disaster Movie Musical
It’s 1979, and New York’s hottest A-listers are lining up for the opening of a floating casino and discotheque. Also attending is a faded disco star, a sexy nightclub singer with her eleven-year-old twins, a disaster expert, a feminist reporter, an older couple with a secret, a pair of young guys who are looking for …
Spring Season Play Readings, including Bechdel Test Festival
Save-the-date for upcoming auditions! Signup and full breakdowns as well as directors will posted ASAP. Seeking actors of all genders for upcoming play reading projects including: “Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Betties” by Jen Silverman (reading February 17th, 4pm @ASU Kerr in Scottsdale) “Disruption” by AJ Baker (reading March 24th, 4pm @ASU Kerr in …
God’s Favorite
Successful Long Island businessman Joe Benjamin is a modern-day ‘Job’ with a demanding wife, ungrateful children, and wise-cracking household employees. Just when it seems things couldn’t get any worse, he is visited by Sidney Lipton, a.k.a. A Messenger from God (and compulsive film buff) with a mission: test Joe’s faith and report back to “the …