Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 03/29/21

The Actors Casting Source
20 Sack

A short film about 2 friends with their days free besides one mission they both have. Having weed to smoke throughout their day. Along the way they run into a couple obstacles and the ending is something you will kind of just have to experience to understand.

The post 20 Sack first appeared on Durant Communications.
Rapture in Blue Hue

“Rapture in Blue Hues” is a visual film with no dialogue that intends to showcase the loss of human emotional connection due to our consistent reliance on social media. Social Media can be emotionally damaging and taxing as many people try to live up to the unrealistic standards of social media influencers. However, you may …

The post Rapture in Blue Hue first appeared on Durant Communications.
The Ballad of Buzzard Basin

A brand-new, old-time cowboy musical that celebrates the essence, and dag-nab-it, the quintessence of the old, old, old west, when men were men and so were the women.  But when the town drunk Skragg Mudd refuses to abide by the ‘Code of the West’ something must be done!  Filled with classic western songs and populated …

The post The Ballad of Buzzard Basin first appeared on Durant Communications.
My Boyfriend, Kyle

Teenager Anders ends up dating Satans child Kyle, and must figure out what he loves more his own virtue or his boyfriends evil tendencies.

The post My Boyfriend, Kyle first appeared on Durant Communications.