Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 05/10/21

The Actors Casting Source
Ongoing Grill Advertisements (Online)

Families cooking on a grill or griddle unit. Enjoying their backyards and times together around the unit and the food.

The post Ongoing Grill Advertisements (Online) first appeared on Durant Communications.
Hop – An Electric (Podcast) Musical (Updated)

The electrical life of Hedy Lamarr starts with her daring escape from her Nazi husband, to her unlikely meeting with Louis B Mayer who helps make her a Hollywood starlet. During this time, she meets the bad boy of music, George Antheil, and they decide they want to pitch into the war effort through inventing. …

The post Hop – An Electric (Podcast) Musical (Updated) first appeared on Durant Communications.