Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 05/18/20

The Actors Casting Source
VirTra – Law Enforcement Training Scenario
Law enforcement training scenario reenactment of a traffic stop turned deadly.
The Horrible Life Coach (Virtual Short Film)
In her promotional video, life coach Margaret Walker offers questionable advice for people looking to achieve a goal. Her not-so-bright clients offer testimonials about how her work is helping them (even though it’s clearly not).
Reaction Videos Pays $15.00 Per Hour
Ideal candidate would watch movie trailers and other short videos and give an over the top reaction. Ideal candidate should be expressive, willing to role play. Possibility for shorts and promos also.
A drama following the story of Sophie, a young woman who starts experiencing a series of hauntings after a night out. She is determined to find out the cause of this, and as she digs deeper she must find out, is she faced with guilt or something from the other side?
Dark Sky Radio Spokes Person
Looking for a spoke person to do selfie videos for our radio station and voice overs. We are also looking for folks to be in short films.
Cultura Television Pilot
I need a Latina mom actress and a Latino teen actor / actress for a Cultura  television pilot.  Cultura is about how the lowrider community which has evolved from a thuggish gangster lifestyle to a community that has matured and learned tough lessons.  There is still a good vs evil.