Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 04/04/22

The Actors Casting Source
The Laramie Project

This tells the story of many different points of view after the murder of Matthew Shepard in Laramie Wyoming. Over 20 years ago, this story about the hate crime against this gay college man and the town of Laramie. Each each actor will play multiple characters in scenes and monologues from real people of the …

The post The Laramie Project first appeared on Durant Communications.

A woman suspects her husband is living a double life with another family.

The post Doble first appeared on Durant Communications.

A video game in a fantasy setting. Doria, a sheltered princess, runs away from the palace to go on an adventure. However, she gets kidnapped by Kestrel, who plans to ransom her back to her evil empire! When the empire is willing to kill them both to prevent this, they go on the run across …

The post Dragonfruit first appeared on Durant Communications.
The Helping Hand Case

An alleged root confiscated from a drunken farmer at a bar turned out to be the severed hand of Andrew Fine, whose body was found shot multiple times and buried in a soybean field. Many people disliked Andy, but who killed him?

The post The Helping Hand Case first appeared on Durant Communications.