Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 04/18/22

The Actors Casting Source
The Jewish Question

It’s the day of the biggest political demonstration in Los Angeles history. A million people are marching from Venice to downtown. Grace is putting the finishing touches on the sabbath meal as Rebecca and Ash, a photojournalist and reporter, arrive from the march. Ash is bleeding, Rebecca is exasperated, and Grace is excited to see …

The post The Jewish Question first appeared on Durant Communications.
The Box

Three men, two black one white find they are trapped in a box, no windows, no doors and in danger all because of a joke about Cheetos. Two roles are cast looking for Lewis: black actor, late twenties-early forties.

The post The Box first appeared on Durant Communications.
The Dinner Detective Phoenix & Chandler

Virtual auditions for the Nation’s largest immersive, interactive, improvised Murder Mystery Dinner   The Nation’s largest immersive, interactive, improvised Murder Mystery Dinner Show.  

The post The Dinner Detective Phoenix & Chandler first appeared on Durant Communications.
For the Sake of Love

A girl is torn from her family and placed into the foster care system where she spends years in limbo. She is tossed and pulled in many directions as she fights to find peace in the storm of trauma and pain she has endured.

The post For the Sake of Love first appeared on Durant Communications.