Durant Casting - Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 08/22/22

The Actors Casting Source
Sorry, Not Sorry

Plot Summary: As part of his AA 12-step program, Rusty, always the underdog, must make amends with his mother at home, and then with his high school bully, Sonny, at a 25-year class reunion. Rusty ends up making things worse for his mother and Sonny and finds himself making an unexpected apology to someone he …

The post Sorry, Not Sorry first appeared on Durant Communications.

Bella Manningham thinks she might be going crazy. In the evenings, she hears strange sounds and the gas lights dim for no apparent reason. But is she losing her grip on   reason, or is it being loosened for her? Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 play gave us the word we now use for an insidious form of …

The post Gaslight first appeared on Durant Communications.

A struggling husband  who must take care of his long-time wife Amanda during her decent into the mid-to-late stages of Alzheimer’s. David must decide if he can continue caring for his wife or if she should be moved to a care facility.

The post Reflections first appeared on Durant Communications.

The grill is hot, the beer is chilled and the table is set for you to join a typical O’Mallery family barbecue. But when their drug-addicted sister Zippity Boom arrives strung-out and out of control, her siblings have each finally had enough of all of it – enough beer, enough whiskey and enough pills to …

The post BARBECUE first appeared on Durant Communications.
Ripcord-Additional Casting

A sunny room on an upper floor is prime real estate in the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility, so when the cantankerous Abby is forced to share her quarters with new-arrival Marilyn, she has no choice but to get rid of the infuriatingly chipper woman by any means necessary. A seemingly harmless bet between the …

The post Ripcord-Additional Casting first appeared on Durant Communications.
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