AUDITION BULLETIN - History Channel series episode - PAID $250 to $350/dy

Published: Fri, 01/16/15

History Channel series episode -- PAID

Durant Casting is accepting actor submissions for television series episode

This is for the History Channel.

Character Breakdown: 

John – Police officer – Male – age: early 20s
Butch – Police officer – Male – age: 30-50
Robert – Perpetrator – Male – age: 30s
Bob – Police officer – Male – age :30s – Height:: 6’5”
Jim – Police officer – Male – age: mid 40s – heavy set, Hair: dark, “salt & pepper”

Shooting Date Range: Week of Feb 8, 2015
Location: Greater Phoenix area

Talent Rate of Pay: 
$250 - $350/dy (12 hour day) +20% agency fee

- Go to This Link for a full breakdown and submission instructions
- DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE – go to this LINK on the Durant site.