DurantCom Weekly Audition News & Notices

Published: Mon, 06/08/15

The Family That Prays Together Stays Together – Esther Morgan Productions
This plays about a family that thought making money and having material things would make them happy they lost sight of what really matters and had to go through some challenging circumstances to realize whats really important in life
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A Cricket in the Spotlight – Brainhouse Film Productions
Brian finds himself in a point of adult life where his anxiety keeps him from doing so many things in his day it begins to affect himself and those he cares about. He must overcome his mental roadblocks or lose Sarah, his best friend, and the person who has understood and helped him more than anyone else in his life.
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The Grim – Hasani Studios
The Grim Follows Gertrude after an attack from a large creature leaves her injured and with only one hand. After hearing a story of a witch that may be connected to the creature that attacked her, Gertrude heads off on a journey to find the witch and stop the monster from coming after her again.
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Heaven Can Wait – PAY $500 – Hale Centre Theatre
Before departing for the Afterlife, Joe Pendleton discovers that, despite being in limbo, he is not scheduled to die for another 60 years! Unfortuitous for Joe, his manager has already cremated his body. Suddenly Joe finds himself in the body of the rich and pompous Jonathan Farnsworth. In his new body, he trains as a prize fighter and falls for the beautiful Bette Logan. Just when things seem to be going smoothly, the real Farnsworth demands his body back and Joe is forced into a new body
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The Unknown – Creation Core
This is for our Pilot Episode for a TV show we are producing called "The Unknown". This is a reenactment scene of our main host known as Jamie Clark who is psychic/medium. We are taking the viewers back in time and showing them a little bit of his childhood memories. In this scene his mother is answering some big life questions of his before he goes to bed. This is a 1 day shoot taking around 1 -2 hours. Our goal is to get 2 pilot episodes done before pitching it to Networks all over.
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