Sun Into Gemini 2016: Blowin' In The Wind

Published: Fri, 05/20/16

Sun Into Gemini 2016


Welcome to the Gemini cycle and happy birthday to all of you Twins in the audience.  This one features the end of Mercury's retrograde, two full Sagittarius moons and a Grand mutable cross.  I'll be sharing all of the details with Kristy Ayala on her show on the 25th at 11:00 AM PST.  After the live broadcast, you can listen anytime via the show's archive.  You can also watch this month's video about the unfolding cycle here.  Change is the key word for this solar transit, one that leads us up to a full moon Summer Solstice.  I hope that the changes happening for you are positive.

From The Oracle
Sacral Chakra

Take back your power and release all that limits you. Your creativity and passion are on fire, and you are ready to thrive.


    You have successfully navigated your way through a period of darkness and are now ready to experience a whole new level of abundance, joy, and freedom. All cords to sources of envy, resentment, and negativity are being severed. Trust the process of change that is now unfolding in your life. Your talents have been honed, and you are ready to shine like a beacon to others. Infinite power is flowing through you, so own it, and shine your Light.


    Sing out loud! While many might consider this a fifth or throat-chakra exercise, the second, or sacral, chakra’s role in our expression cannot be underestimated. Neither can the profound power of raising one’s voice. When the second chakra is working properly, money flows; we attract healthy relationships (especially our intimate ones); and we have a positive, patient outlook on life.
    Singing dispels negative energy, tones the body, and activates transcendence. “This Little Light of Mine” is an excellent choice for your musical expression.


It is 100 percent safe for me to be my most powerful and creative self right now.

Oracle Special
Sun Into Gemini 2016 Video
      With the entrance of the Sun, Venus and ultimately Mercury into the mutable air sign of Gemini, the planetary winds of change are gathering.  Two full Sagittarius moons bookend a cycle that features two powerful squares involving restrictive Saturn and expansive Jupiter and oceanic Neptune.  Also, Mars heads back into Scorpio as a grand mutable cross strengthens.  With all four of astrology’s mutable signs being activated, the cycle ahead is both asking us to release what is unnecessary and preparing us for a full moon summer solstice.
In closing...

     I hope that you are doing very well as we enter this last bit of the spring of 2016.  I don't know about you, but the energy has shifted so much in the past three months that the end of winter 2016 seems like it wasn't even from the same year.  But that's another story for another edition.  Texas has been a great place to spend the winter and spring so far - look mom, no snow!!  Since the last newsletter, I had a chance to visit my old stomping grounds in Hollywood for a music conference that featured everyone from Timbaland, to Melissa Etheridge, to Paul Williams to Congressman Ted Lieu.  It was so good to see my old, crazy neighborhood and the Tinsel Town gang and to be inspired by the creative community.  I'm using the completion energy of spring's last sign to finish up songs that I've been working on.  I hope that you are also finding time to tie up loose ends, make key decisions and prepare for Summer 2016.  I'll see you when the Sun comes to initiating Cancer.  

With love,
