No Cost Way To Create Easy Cha Ching

Published: Mon, 04/06/15

I didn't want to share invite you to this no cost social network until I had a chance to test it and see if it really is all it's cracked up to be..

Here is the skinny on it. The network is called Tsu it's been around a little over year and it cost nothing to get involved with.

The twist is that you earn ad revenue for doing what you already do on facebook or twitter.  

Tsu is a combination of facebook, twitter and tumblr rolled up into one and the best part is that you will earn revenue when people engage with your content.

 So follow these three steps.

2. Make sure you create your profile

3. Use hashtags to find people with similar interest to you. 

After you join, make sure you message me and i'll give you some more helpful hints and I'll also share
your stuff...

Okay talk to you soon!

Larry Rivera