The 'Almost' blizzard marketing lesson...

Published: Fri, 01/30/15

You been watching all the hub bub over the 'almost' blizzard all the weather folks were going nuts over?

I'm sure you have if you've been anywhere but taking a dirt nap.

All that build up, all the frenzy, all for...


One of the biggest swing and misses in weather forecasting.

Anywho, it kinda reminds me of all the launches the gurus put out every month.

Lots of build up, all their guru friends mailing about the next whizbang, silver bullet, done for you, making $$ while you sleep system.


Another swing and a miss from the gurus.

Sure, they sell a bunch of stuff to the guru fanboys, but hardly any achieve the 'dream' result they were sold on.

Sound familiar?

It's tough for me to sit around and watch folks move from 'next best thing' to 'next best thing' hoping it's gonna be the ONE.

Only to find..Meh..

See, that's why I only promote one system (and have consistently for the past 2+ years).

I've personally brought in and mentored over 100 people who have gotten results.

Not the push-button, guroo, fake it till you make it results...

But real, tangible, commission check-in-hand results.

Sound like something you want?

Grab your snow sled and drag it on over to:

To your success,
Eric Wilkes