A deliciously entertaining story

Published: Mon, 01/26/15

Have you ever thought about something like this?

You get up in the morning, have a relaxing breakfast, sip on a nice cup of coffee and turn on some old Simpson's reruns. You realize a few minutes into the program that it's not a rerun so you decide to watch the entire thing.
About 20 minutes into the program you really start to think that maybe you should just take the day off...neah, on second thought, you need a 12-day weekend.

A sort of mini-vacation...

A commercial comes on and you pick up the phone and call up your travel agent. Melissa tells you that the next plane is departing for France in 3 hours and 18 minutes. You have a love for some of the world's most breathtaking views...it has been about 7 months since you've seen these beautiful scenes and you're itching to get back for a few days and relive the experience.

You call your wife, who is having a late breakfast with her girlfriends and tell her that you've got a little surprise for her and she needs to get home so you can share the news. 

She walks through the door to see 4 full-size suitcases there and says "Honey, where are you going?" You respond by simply stating "We're taking a little vacation, pack a few essentials and let's get rolling" She has no idea where you're taking her, but you've done these little "surprises" several times over the years so she doesn't ask a lot of questions.

On the way out you have to do a few quick errands and swing by you mail box at the end of your driveway that leads to your estate. 

You open your mailbox, find a few normal items sitting there...one of them happens to be a check from your primary business. You hand it to your wife...this gives her a sense of "involvement" with your business.

She's not surprised or disappointed...a typical check of $42,823.82 (they're never exactly the same, but normally within one or two thousand dollars).

She puts it in her purse (where last month's check still sits because you've been too lazy to stop by the bank). You sit back for a moment and just think about your life...cruises, constant traveling, a beautiful home and 2 vacation homes up in the mountains that you visit "when you have the time" and more "toys" than one would find at 15-20 homes combined. 

You realize that this is living and you're loving every moment of it...you sit back and ponder how good things are and realize the obvious...money isn't everything, but it sure makes things a bit easier.


Isn't that why you got involved in the first place? To live the good life, spend time with your friends and family...not have to commute an hour and a half in traffic to and from work? It doesn't have to be the way it is for the 98% of you that are failing and failing miserably.

Growing a colossal size business is simple, but you MUST become a marketer and use true, sound marketing techniques and savvy to make it happen. You need to know what to do and a step-by-step procedure of how to get it done. A step-by-step play manual of how to make it happen. A roadmap.

Get your roadmap here:

-Eric Wilkes