Cupid's #1 marketing tip.

Published: Fri, 02/13/15

Valentine's day is almost upon us.

Hope you're ready for it, if you do that sort of thing.


Wanted to quickly chat about a really important marketing lesson that you can pull from Cupid.

Yes, that Cupid.

The little baby looking one in a diaper.

I can hear it now, what can I learn from a baby in a diaper who shoots arrows at people?

My answer.

A Lot!

You see, cupid goes around as the offline '' matchmaker.

Shooting arrows at people and making them fallin Luv.

But, he doesn't hit his target all the time does he?


Sometimes he misses.

Sometimes he hits two people, but messes up.

Yep, it happens to the best of us, even Cupid.

And you know what?

You and I do the same thing as marketers.

We screw stuff up, A Lot.

Like, chasing the wrong type of customers or business partners just to make a sale.

And what ends up happening when we 'arrow' those kinds of folks?

We end up splitting up, much like a mismatched Cupid couple.

Moral of this story.

1. Not everyone is a 'potential' customer.

2. You shouldn't want everyone as your customer.

3. You're gonna make mistakes.

I can hear it now, "well that sounds great 'in theory', but how do I put that in practice in my business?'


You need a system that...



And weeds out...

The good matches, the one's you wanna arrow...

And the low class jackass ones...

The one's that aren't a match for you and your business.

Make sense?


If you don't have a system like that already, then you owe it to yourself, your business, and your bank account to get started with Elite Marketing Pro now:


EMP is setup to automagically, sift, sort, shake out all the good and bad apples for you.

No dealing with bullshit.

No dealing with folks who are such a pain in the rear, you wish you never met them.

Just quality business partners, who are motivated, and aligned with you and your business vision.

Sound good?

Then what are you waiting for, get signed up now:

Eric Wilkes