Eric Wilkes


Broke desperate wussy boy breaks free...

Published: Wed, 02/04/15

The following may hit home with you. And maybe it's even a reality. But the heart and hunger found within the message if you take 2 minutes to read it…

Redneck hill-billy business tips...GONE WILD!

Published: Tue, 02/03/15

Aaannnndddddddd... The secret is...there ain't no secret. It's really just followin' a proven system. If a redneck hill-billy son-of-a-gun like me can…

Lessons learned from Frank the Tank...

Published: Mon, 02/02/15

You know Frank the Tank right? The guy who who really wanted to go to Home Depot on a Saturday and then to Bed Bath & Beyond if he had enough…

The 'Almost' blizzard marketing lesson...

Published: Fri, 01/30/15

You been watching all the hub bub over the 'almost' blizzard all the weather folks were going nuts over? I'm sure you have if you've been anywhere but…

10k per month for 20 minutes per day?

Published: Wed, 01/28/15

Is actually possible to make over 10k per month for only 20 minutes per day of work? Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well, that's e actly what I was able to…

Why money hates speed

Published: Tue, 01/27/15

Have you ever heard the saying "Money Loves Speed"? Well I disagree. I believe money hates speed. Let me e plain... If you were to hurry up and…

A deliciously entertaining story

Published: Mon, 01/26/15

Have you ever thought about something like this? You get up in the morning, have a rela ing breakfast, sip on a nice cup of coffee and turn on some…

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