Please take a moment to update your subscription,

Published: Sat, 06/27/20

Hi there,

From time to time, it is always a good idea to check in with our kind subscribers just to make sure they are finding the list useful and that all their information is up to date.

We've noticed some bounces recently on our email lists, so we are asking everyone to please take a moment to register for our NEW list, so we can retire all of our old lists.

If you would like to stay on the Eternal Spiral Books Newsletter list and continue to receive free books, special offers, and other information with regard to our range of non-fiction books, please go to:
and take a moment to re-register. Then look in your email box and click to confirm that you wish to be added to the new list. Thank you!

All other lists will be retired on June 30th, 2020 and you will no longer receive any emails from us.

Don't miss out on your Free Book Fridays and all of our upcoming new titles! Please take a moment to re-register today!

Many thanks for your time and attention.

The Editors