Fitness Atlantic

Pre Show Report

Exciting News for 2024 Fitness Atlantic

Published: Sat, 01/13/24

88 days out show update...E citing NEWS!!! 2024 Fitness Atlantic PRO/AM has been approved for this event. We have shown enough interest to add PRO…

Going ALL Out

Published: Fri, 01/12/24

In the current state of fitness and entering a show... When people now say; "I'M GOING ALL OUT" What do they do??? They pull out a credit card and…

Powerful Decisions

Published: Thu, 01/11/24

Hi, Entering a fitness show is a personal decision and the reason you decide could be one of many. Most times it is just a case of seeing a friend do…

Coaches and Contestants Private Group INVITE

Published: Tue, 01/09/24

Happy Tuesday, 93 days out to the 2024 Fitness Atlantic update... People have been asking and I will get confirmation if we can have the PRO DIVISION…

Food Journals and Results

Published: Mon, 01/08/24

Hi,Anyone who works towards being a fitness model or as a personal trainer with clientsknows that one thing that makes a difference for results is…

Are you a competitor?

Published: Sat, 01/06/24

The word "competitor" is so strange to me that people call themselves that when they plan to enter a fitness show. I feel the word "competitor" could…

Show Prep Planning

Published: Fri, 01/05/24

As you get closer to stepping on stage we want to be sure you have everything set. In planning there are certain steps we want you to do so the…

Stage Walk Questions Answered

Published: Wed, 01/03/24

Good Morning, As we think prep for Fitness Atlantic at Mohegan Sun. Let's answer a couple stage posing questions: 1. What side of the stage do…

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