Still Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop?

Published: Sat, 04/15/17

Hi ,

Are you ready to learn how to observe
your emotions in an effort to free
yourself from fears.

Now, listen to me very carefully... while
you begin to practice expanding your
thinking, negative thoughts will
continually try to distract you.

It will pass judgments on your feelings
or try to analyze them or increase your
fears or tell you that you can't handle
moving forward.

That's normal.

But with what you'll learn here, this
constant chatter in your mind won't be
a problem.

The key is to let these thoughts come
and go as they please. Acknowledge
their presence, but don't focus on them.

Treat negative thoughts as clouds passing
in the sky - you know they're there, but
you don't have to peer out the window each
time one goes by.

And if you do get caught up, the moment
you realize it, gently shift your focus
back to what you were doing.

Here's an easy and effective way to
defuse fear:

1. Take ten deep breaths, as slowly as you
   possibly can. You can close your eyes
   if you choose.

2. Focus on the rise and fall of your rib
   cage and the air moving in and out of
   your lungs.

3. Notice the sensations as the air flows
   in: your chest rising, your shoulders
   lifting, your lungs expanding.

4. Notice what you feel as the air flows
   out: your chest falling, your shoulders
   dropping, the breath leaving your

5. Focus completely on emptying your

6. Push out every last bit of air, feeling
   your lungs deflate, and pause for a
   moment before breathing in again.

7. As you breathe in, notice how your
   stomach gently pushes outward.

8. Now just let any thoughts and images
   come and go in the background. Without

9. When a new thought or image appears,
   briefly acknowledge its presence - but
   keep you attention on your breath.

10. You may find it helpful to say to
    yourself "Peace... I am at peace"
    whenever a thought or image appears.

Give this a try, and if it's helpful in
defusing your fears, keep doing it.

Read through the instructions once more
and then give it a try.

Your mind will never stop telling you
fearful, unpleasant stories (at least
not for long) - that's just what your
mind was designed to do.

So be realistic and you will see
dramatic improvements.

Now it's time to move on... in tomorrow's
lesson, we'll start to wipe away the

To the confident, unstoppable YOU!

Much Love!

Tali Fields - Assistant Circle of Enlightenment

Adalia John is a certified hypnotherapist and your confidence solutions coach. She helps entrepreneurs to align their conscious desires (wishes, hopes, dreams and aspirations) with their subconscious beliefs so that they can move through their resistance and fears to achieve their entrepreneurial success.

How confident are you to take action to make your dreams real? If you've had it with being stuck, filled with uncertainty and thinking you're not good enough, get your free 21 days of confidence boosting tips and your confidence will soar. (Just for the ladies)

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