What's Keeping You Bound To FEAR?

Published: Sun, 04/16/17

Hi ,

How's it all going? Are you taking action?

Have you begun to make some meaningful
changes in your life? Are your
financial and/or other fears starting to ease?

If not, you've probably come up against
at least one or two obstacles -
obstacles so universal that they've
sideswiped us all.

You see as soon as you start to set a
goal - such as getting rid of your fears
- your mind will start to broadcast:

"I can't do it"
"I'm wasting my time"
"I can't change"
...or any other of your habitual thoughts.

If you give these thoughts attention,
you're in trouble.

The solution is to let them come and go
and re-focus back to taking effective

Let's spend some time discussing
excessive expectations and how they
bound you to fear...

So let me ask you, are your goals for
financial success and living your dreams too big?

The trick is not expecting to do too
much, too soon.

Don't fall into the trap of
perfectionism. This increases your
fears and only stifles your progress.

Do you expect to achieve your goals even
though you lack the necessary skills or

If you lack the resources you need
to achieve a particular goal (such as
time, money, health, energy, support,
equipment, or knowledge), then you'll
need to figure out how you can find

If there's no way to find these resources
in your current situation, then you'll
need to let go of that goal for now and
set yourself a more realistic one.

And another thing... don't sweat the

Know that making a mistake is a
fundamental part of being human. You
learn by making mistakes and you're
made stronger with each obstacle you

When you stumbled, you learned what *not*
to do and how you can do it differently.
This is how you grow wiser!

Making a mistake is an essential part of
learning to beat your fears...
so embrace it.

Let go of perfection.

When you open the tomorrow's email, you'll
learn to escape your fears and find true
satisfaction in life...

Here's to you facing your fears and going confidently in the direction of your dreams!

Much Love!

Tali Fields - Assistant Circle of Enlightenment

Adalia John is a certified hypnotherapist and your confidence solutions coach. She helps entrepreneurs to align their conscious desires (wishes, hopes, dreams and aspirations) with their subconscious beliefs so that they can move through their resistance and fears to achieve their entrepreneurial success.

How confident are you to take action to make your dreams real? If you've had it with being stuck, filled with uncertainty and thinking you're not good enough, get your free 21 days of confidence boosting tips and your confidence will soar. (Just for the ladies)

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