Are You Ready To Let Go Of Fear?

Published: Mon, 04/17/17

Hi ,

Today is a new day in your life.

The closer and closer you get to the
end of the email, the further and
further your problem with fear will
fade away.

You'll get the help you're so desperately
seeking, and the things you fear won't
seem like such a weight on your shoulders.

Just keep reading for solutions...

Here's the bombshell: The more you try
to avoid discomfort, the harder it will
be to make important changes.

Change involves risk.

Change requires you to face your fears and
step out of your comfort zone - both of
which point to one thing...

...Change will usually give rise to
uncomfortable feelings.

By now you're well aware of the whole
vicious cycle that results when you try
to avoid discomfort and ignore your

The only effective solution is true
ACCEPTANCE. Not tolerance or "putting
up with it."

So, make room for the discomfort your
fears cause, and focus on taking
effective action.

The mind is an expert at coming up with
reasons for not doing the things we
really want to do.

But the first thing to realize is that
reasons are just excuses.

The second thing to realize is that
thoughts don't control facts.

Does this surprise you?

Just check your own experience.

How often had you been fearful of
something that never came to pass?

With me you can learn to stop the
struggle. That is IF you are willing.

Whenever a fear presents itself, you can
either say yes or no to it.

If you say yes to your fears, your life
stagnates and shrinks.

If you say no to your fears, your life
gets bigger and better.

If you keep saying no, there's no
guarantee life will get easier, because
the next fear may be just as difficult,
or worse.

But saying no to fear will become more of
a habit, and the experience you gain from
this gives you a reservoir of strength.

Even if you don't WANT to say no, you
can still CHOOSE to. And each time you
make that choice, you grow stronger.

And, at the same time, the more you
practice this, the less discomfort you'll
actually have to deal with.

Eventually your fears will become a lot
easier to live with because they don't
get amplified.

In other words, you're willing to accept
your natural fears, even though you may
not want them.

So now, turn your attention to giving
yourself the opportunity to undermine
the struggle that fear has created in

Here's the perfect tool to help you face
your fears head on:
Click Here

At this point, you have a choice.

You can turn back or keep going...
IF your choice is to push forward.
Click Here

To your success,
Much Love!

Tali Fields - Assistant Circle of Enlightenment

Adalia John is a certified hypnotherapist and your confidence solutions coach. She helps entrepreneurs to align their conscious desires (wishes, hopes, dreams and aspirations) with their subconscious beliefs so that they can move through their resistance and fears to achieve their entrepreneurial success.

How confident are you to take action to make your dreams real? If you've had it with being stuck, filled with uncertainty and thinking you're not good enough, get your free 21 days of confidence boosting tips and your confidence will soar. (Just for the ladies)

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