Is Genesis History? - Important new Documentary at

Published: Thu, 06/08/17

Is Genesis History?

It’s one of the questions at the heart of our faith – isn’t it? People have struggled with this question for centuries and today it seems less and less people believe that the answer is ‘yes’.

The new documentary “Is Genesis History” features over a dozen scientists and scholars explaining how the natural world intersects with the biblical book of Genesis. From rock layers to fossils, from lions to stars, this fascinating film will change the way you see the world

Whether you’ve struggled with your doubts, or have a relative heading off to college this fall, this documentary will provide credible science showing that a belief in Genesis as History is a trustworthy foundation on which to build a worldview.

I hope you’ll check out this important new documentary.

Buy the DVD here $14.99
Buy the Blu-ray here $18.75

Jake Olson