Invest in Your Amazing Writer-Self

Published: Thu, 04/13/23

This nurturing online retreat has helped thousands of writers. Make an investment in your writer-self!

If you’re driven and compelled to write, then write you must... and write you should. Embrace and cultivate your amazing writer-self. No matter what the outside world says.

Most writers are impeded more by a lack of self-esteem than by a lack of talent. The truth is that it's hard to make it as a writer, and the hurdles writers face often beat them down and make them lose their way.

"Retreat for the Writer's Soul" is a nurturing online retreat that has helped thousands of writers embrace their potential and step forward inspired to speak the truth they hold within.  
Take advantage of this opportunity! "Retreat for the Writer's Soul" is a safe place to retreat and explore... to find yourself, your passion, and your voice... to rekindle your love of writing and embrace the writer you can and should be.
"Retreat for the Writer's Soul" 14-day journey begins April 16! 

What to Expect
Every day for two weeks starting April 16, you'll log in to the online retreat. Think of it as a coffee break, a little time for yourself. Pick a time that works for you and commit to meeting for 30 minutes daily.    
Every day when you stop by, you'll be introduced to a new discussion topic, and you'll listen to a guided meditation that will help you align and connect. You'll then have a task to complete at your convenience, and you'll share and discuss the progress you're making as you go along.

The materials are yours to keep and access as often as you need, for as long as you need them. Even after the 14-day retreat ends, many writers return to access the materials for months and even years. Read about their experience here: What Others Have Said
Why Participate? 
"Retreat for the Writer's Soul" is an opportunity to become the writer you were meant to be. It's a beautiful journey of self-exploration and discovery that can help you become more authentic, free, and inspired to speak the truth you hold within you.
Many have called it "life-changing." What will it do for you? What truth lives within you? How would it feel to step in line with your authentic voice and become the writer you were meant to be? Join "Retreat for the Writer's Soul" and find out what's waiting for you.    
"Retreat for the Writer's Soul" starts April 16. Scholarships are available!
Learn more about this opportunity and sign up here >>

, 140A Amicks Ferry Road #4, Chapin, SC 29036, USA

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