SELF-EDITING FOR WRITERS: A free online class from award-winning author Joan Dempsey

Published: Mon, 08/05/19

Ready to Edit Your Writing

Dear FundsforWriters friends and fans!

A final reminder that my friend, the author and writing teacher, Joan Dempsey is still offering her free online class, which is open now and immediately available as soon as you enroll.

Many FundsforWriters readers have come to love her teaching. She's intelligent, kind, and empathetic. What more can I say? She loves teaching writing and she's darn good at it.

She is covering the topic of self-editing, a skill that we can all use more of. I highly suggest you attend her free class.

That's part of what I love about Joan . . . she legitimately gives you something free, and you walk away educated whether or not you buy whatever comes at the end of the program. Trust me. . . the class is without strings, and you'll be a better writer for attending. 

The class is called Self-Editing for Writers: An Introduction.

In this free class, you will . . .

I encourage you to check it out—Joan’s always got great advice for writers!

Learn More and Enroll Today (It’s Free)
