The Last Straw

Published: Tue, 07/03/18

The city of Seattle passed a ban on all plastic straws, and it went into effect on July 1!

So, all sorts of businesses like restaurants, coffee shops, bars, kids lemonade stands -- you name it! -- have to scramble to find biodegradable straws.

I know their intentions are good -- they want to keep more plastic out of the ocean.

But have you used those paper straws??

They seem to disintegrate almost immediately once you put them into a drink!

Now, if you are the entrepreneuring type, now is the perfect time to make a "new and improved" biodegradable straw! Just think, most of the factories that make plastic straws will have to do costly retools to make biodegradable straws.

Just one city could go through hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of straws in a given year!

A steady stream of straws!

In the oil and gas business, there are ways to sell "steady streams" of products, and one of the best products is water!

A colleague of mine is selling such a commercial property in West Texas:

... oil companies and frac sand producers (that are crawling all over there), line up at this water station to buy freshwater 24/7 ...

... there are 28 acres in the parcel, with another valuable 10 acres that could also go in a deal, and it sits on a highway packed with customers and prospects ...

... in addition to the water wells (and they're currently drilling another water well right now) there are several buildings that fetch a nice rent each month (one office alone generates over $13,000 monthly in rent!)

... the current owners generate $80,000 - $100,000 in gross profits per month through a mix of rental income and water sales ...

... seller financing is available ...

... the property is priced at $5.5MM ...

... and Texas hasn't banned plastic straws yet, so a buyer could provide all the plastic straws they wanted with the water! ;^) ...

Anyhoo -- if you're interested in talking with the seller about this property, let me know and I will link you up right away. Reply to this email, or visit our website!