Reset Update - USA’s Day Of Reckoning - Video and Transcript

Published: Thu, 12/01/16

Hey, I just received the transcript back for a very important video by Mike Maloney, it's called USA’s Day Of Reckoning.  I went through the video and added some screenshots to my post.

Here is the link:

This is part 7 of a series of videos.  If folks enjoy this, I will be making transcripts of the rest of the series.​  For some reason or another, the author of the video didn't think of doing that.

It goes into details about what happened in Germany with the Hyperinflation and what could happen here since we are on the same path.

Several times in the video, Mike brings up his book, you can check it out here, it's like ten bucks, and last time I checked it was nearly half off

I hope you enjoy this 30 minute presentation on the USA's Day of Reckoning, stay tuned as I have another awesome transcript coming.

Best regards,

Nick Giammarino

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