The Reset, Gold, Currencies & Deflation - Shocking Interview With Harry Dent and Mike Maloney

Published: Fri, 12/09/16

Hi , hope everything is good with you.  So, I had this shocking interview transcribed recently and I went through it myself for accuracy.  The word reset was brought up over 20 times by both Mike Maloney and Harry Dent, here it is:

I'd really like to get your opinion on this.  I would love to post the full video but due to copyright issues, I can't at this time, however, there are links so you can view the full video which is what my transcription is from.  It's an hour long interview.

Shocking to hear two famous investors mentioning reset over 20 times in a single hour long interview.  Obviously, they know something is up.  Notice what they say about gold and currencies.

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Nick Giammarino

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