Major Reset of Worldwide Currencies UPDATE

Published: Sat, 12/24/16


Hi , hope everything is good with you.  Thanks for subscribing to the Newsletter.  I just posted this new article on worldwide currency resets:

I wanted to end 2016 with a recap of what has been going on in 2016 since there has been so much news on currencies changing value this year.

Here is some of the article I just posted:

  1. Venezuela plans to pull their 100 Bs.F (Bolivar) banknotes, which represents 46% of their circulating currency. According to the official exchange rate, it’s worth 15 cents US, however, the black market rate has it worth just 2 cents, and even that number is expected to drop.
  2. India pulled 86% of it’s cash out of circulation by removing 500 and 1000 rupee notes, with no warning.
  3. Venezuela Bolivar Loses 45% Value in Just November 2016.  Black market value of US Dollar skyrockets.
  4. Venezuela pulls their 100 Boliva banknote just as India pulled their 500 and 1000 rupee banknotes.
  5. Venezuela begins printing new 20,000 banknotes as their currency and economy hyper-inflates like Zimbabwe’s has.
  6. Zimbabwe releases bond notes in November 2016.
  7. Withdrawal limits put on Zimbabwe bond Notes
  8. US Dollar gains nearly 20% against Pound as of December 2016 following Brexit vote on June 23, 2016, British Pound at lowest level in 31 years
  9. Iran plans to revalue, rename rial currency Toman
  10. Aussie Dollar Plunges As Inflation Slumps To Record Low
Again, please CLICK HERE to read the latest article.

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I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Nick Giammarino

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