Hi Look Here When All Else Fails

Published: Tue, 10/04/11

Quick-Good-Fortune Tips

 Specials -- Tips -- Good Stuff -- Limited Time -- Check it Out!

I'd like to share a rescuing fact very few people ever realize...

At the heart of all our desires lies one secret wish.

It isn't to become someone special, or to achieve a social stature whose thrill quickly fades.

What we really want is much simpler than that.

What we really want is... to be.
We long to know that who and what we are has meaning, in and of itself -- no matter what. We wish to know -- intimately -- our own true Story, to share in its open- ended and infinite possibilities, not keep spending our precious time chasing dreams of fulfillment that are always ending!

Journey to the Greatness Within here

This is why I'm writing you today -- to introduce you to a source of wisdom that can bring extraordinary meaning into your life; it will help you to see, as nothing before could ever do, the truth about who you really are.

Today, October 4th, I am joining with 108 leading authors and experts to share in a powerful message that reveals the one thing you've been searching for all along -- and where to find it.

Self-realization author Guy Finley has written a ground-breaking book that is being simultaneously released today worldwide. But this is more than just a book -- not only does it provide a vital understanding of your true purpose, but it can also help heal our weary world at the same time. The possibilities are so grand, and the information is so transformational, that over 108 leading authors and experts are joining with me today to get this message out.

Discover your true Story. Awaken the greatness within!
Go here right now to learn all the details:

The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred

Good Fortune!

Cheryl Janecky

PS: Today your book includes a DVD plus 108 additional bonus items. This is it! You can finally know your true purpose and how your life fits within the big picture. Here are the answers to enlighten you and start you firmly on the path to the wisdom, confidence, and the real love you long for. Go here to find out more:

Guy Finley's book + 108 bonuses

Be sure to share this email with your friends and family so that they can also live a better life  --They'll thank you for it!